Mission Humpty Dumpty

Mrs. Jillian Griffith's Sixth Grade STEM elective students, under the direction of Secret Agent Mrs. Buckles, had an Operation Humpty Dumpty Secret Mission to complete. The students heard a new twist on the classic Humpty Dumpty story. After the story they were given the mission to create a prototype of a secret agent gadget that would allow Agent Dumpty to safely exit a second story window (see below for complete mission details).

Once they had their mission they had to form a group of three to four reliable agents, plan a prototype design, sketch their design, test their prototype by an adult dropping their designs from the school roof, and then analyzing their designs and results. We woud like to thank Mrs. Stephanie Bryant for being the brave adult to drop the eggs from the roof.

As you can see, there was a lot of hard work. critical thinking, planning, and fun going on the past few weeks! Launch day was super exciting and to all of our surprises NONE of the eggs broke!